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Public Survey
Tick as many as appropriate if you are answering on behalf of your household.
What age group are you in?
Have you ever used or visited the Community Centre (Miners Institute, Quebec Village Hall, Sports Hall in Old Esh) in the area?
How do you typically hear about activities/services/events in the parish?
The miners institute is a small building which can hold up to 60 people in the main hall. The new proposed building has 2 main halls which can hold up to 130 people in each space. Would you like to see the new proposed building go ahead?
Would you like to see indoor sports activities within the village for all ages?
Please tick as many of the following you would like to see within the parish of Esh
What facilities would you like to see in the community centre?
If you would be willing to volunteer in with the community what could you offer?

Thank you for completing this survey.  Results will be analysed and the residents of the Parish will be informed on these.

This form no longer accepts submissions.

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